Quiet Time: 5 Ways to Diversify your Time with God

Salt and Light Journal
5 min readApr 11, 2021

Written By: Alexandria King

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Mark 1:35 “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.”

Devotions, Quiet time, Jesus time; Whichever name it goes by for you, it’s always necessary to spend time in God’s presence. In Mark, Jesus sets the example of taking time to spend alone with God; this is quiet time. Quiet time is one on one, just you and God. Intentional quiet time is important because it helps us cultivate further intimacy with God. In our quiet time we can get to know who God is, pour out our hearts to him, and learn to trust in him. However knowing the importance of quiet time does not change the fact that sometimes it can get overly habitual. Something designed to create an encounter with God can become just a routine instead of a spiritual experience. So whether you’re over your quiet time because it’s become more of a daily practice than an encounter, or if you’re just looking for new ideas to switch things up, this article is for you. Here we’ll go over some ways to change up your quiet time with Jesus.

1. Prayer Nature Walk

I often look to prayer nature walks as a way to spend time alone with God. The nature you see during the walk can remind you of God’s sovereignty and the beauty of his creation. As the walk points you back to the Father it can also help bring you peace as you pour out your heart to him in prayer. While walking I like to think about how God is listening, talking and walking right alongside me.

The book of Deuteronomy reminds us that God is always by our side. Here’s a good scripture to meditate on as you take a prayer nature walk:

Deuteronomy 31:8 “The Lord, himself, goes before you and will be there with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

Photo by Jacqueline Barnett on Unsplash

2. Coffee & Jesus

Sometimes it’s good to take our quiet time to a place it isn’t usually in. Like maybe sitting outside with coffee and your Bible watching the sun rise. Or going to the back corner of a cafe and spending time with the Lord there. However you do it, deciding to have a coffee with Jesus can produce some really sweet moments in your relationship with him. While usually you would invite a friend or a partner to have coffee with you, in this instance you’re inviting God instead. You can journal, read your Bible, or listen to worship music and see what God pours into your heart as you’re pouring another cup of coffee.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

3. Gifts for Worship

James 1:17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows

Like spiritual gifts, your talents (which are also gifts) are great tools to use to glorify God. So whether God has given you the gift of singing, or painting, or writing, etc. you can use it as a way to spend one on one time with him. You can spend your quiet time worshiping God while dancing. Maybe you can spend it writing a song dedicated to him. There are so many possibilities since God created us with such unique abilities. Using our gifts to worship him in our one on one time can create a special encounter with Jesus.

Photo by RhondaK on Unsplash

4. Worship Drive

Driving can be a great way to get away from everyone else and everything else and decompress. Being isolated from possible stressors and things that keep you busy is a great time to connect with God, cast your cares on him and hear from him. During a worship drive you can sing praises to God and Pray/Speak plainly to him. A worship drive can put you in a great space to experience time with God.

Photo by RhondaK on Unsplash

5. Listen to the Word

Romans 10:17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Listening to the Bible can be done for quiet time at any time but I think it’s especially impactful during the nighttime due to the peace it brings. You can find an audio Bible (available on many different platforms) and listen to it. Sometimes people pair the audio recording of the Bible with sounds of nature and the whole experience can help you become calm in the presence of God. While this form of quiet time is beautiful during the night, it isn’t exclusive to the end of the day. You can accompany any of the previous tips with listening to an audio version of the Bible, at any point in the day. Hearing the word of God can cause you to connect with God in a different capacity than usual.

Photo by Ignat Kushanrev on Unsplash

The importance of intentionally spending time with God is undeniable. I hope this article shows the many different ways in which this intentional time can be spent. In diversifying your approach to quiet time you can encounter God in more ways throughout your life. I pray that God speaks to you during your quiet time this week. : )



Salt and Light Journal

Writing for Christ / Hosted by Delight Ministries @ Hampton U / Follow us on Instagram @delight_hamptonu